IDG Blog | Research (2)

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Make Your Buyer Move: How to Add Rhythm to Your Marketing

An orchestra, when in rhythm, can bring harmony to life. Its beauty derives from the

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Our Surprising Discovery When Mapping Emotions on the Buyer's Journey

Category:  Research

Many years ago in my old neighborhood, a woman around my age moved into the small apartment above the house next door. We gradually got to know each other, and one day the obligatory question about...

Category:  Research

The pervasiveness of technology into business has brought a new strata of Line of Business decision-makers to the fore. Buying influence often extends across the IT organization and beyond to...

Category:  Research

As technology transforms work processes beyond the borders of IT, functional business leaders have had no choice but to devote resources to collaborate with IT decision makers to understand and...

Category:  Research

Content marketing continues to grow as a top priority for many marketers—with 95% of B2B tech marketers indicate they use it.

Category:  Research

Recent research conducted by IDG shows that technology marketers are looking ahead to 2017.

Category:  Research

IDG Research and IDG TechNetwork would like to better understand industry challenges and experiences with programmatic buying. 

Category:  Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to big data as a magnet is to finding a needle in a haystack.

Category:  Research

Big data. Predictive analytics. Machine learning. We've all heard these technology buzzwords tossed around, but what do they really mean?

Category:  Research

It used to be that your car was your car, your watch was your watch, and your thermostat was your thermostat. The Internet of Things is changing all that.

Category:  Research
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